No one can be sure whether it was the torrential rain or his rivals' bitter tears that pounded the storied tarmac of Monza last Sunday, as Italy's favorite adopted stepson, P. O'Moto, not only displaced hundreds of gallons of water per lap but casually dispatched the dreams of the other championship contenders.
Yet the treacherously wet conditions weren't the biggest story of the weekend. Rather, it was Paddy O'Moto's landmark appeal of his win that made above-the-fold headlines around the world -- an appeal that demanded he occupy not only the top step of the podium but tiers two and three, as well.
Having lapped the "2nd" place finisher for the fourth time, O'Moto disintegrated his new TMR-2008.5 while performing the first-ever victory 'stoppie', resulting in his special carbon-pasta chassis crossing the start/finish line in three distinct pieces. The resulting debris caused a black flag, preventing any of the other competitors from finishing.
"I lost my left pinky in the crash," said an obviously irritated O'Moto. "So, technically I should get 4th place, too. It's a no-brainer."
Formula One supremo, Bernie Ecclestone, later commented timidly: "What do you want me to do? He's dating my daughter."
What insiders are calling "a swarm" of lawyers have descended on the offices of embattled FIA president, Max Mosley, bearing sworn statements and incriminating photos. The hearing is set for Monday.
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